E-Comm Analytics
To The Next Level

Don’t waste your time struggling to navigate through convoluted analytical tools anymore. Boost Reporting takes the frustration out of metric analysis – by simplifying integration, and only giving you the data that matters most to you and your business.

Get Clear Insight. Gain Foreseeable Results.

Full Control

Boost is a tool that works with you. You get to decide what data to track and where to track it.

Consumer Knowledge

Understand your clients. Their location, their habits, how they interact with your flows and more.

Our Service
What Boost Does For You

Never before has it been so easy to gain immediate and relevant insight on the metrics that matter most to you. Boost Reporting literally unlocks the door to the fine details of your business.

Precise Control

Only want the analytics of a single URL? No problem. You have the ability to be as specific as you want. That's power.

Real-Time Analytics

Down to the second, Boost Reporting will give you detailed origins of your traffic - as a whole, or only on pages you specify.

Conversion Monitoring

Curious how a particular product or campaign is or isn't converting? Boost can tell you that with 1-click.

A/B Link Comparison

Does one URL have a higher CTA than another? By what margin? And why? What tweaks should I make to improve? Upon signup, you'll know...

Simple Integration

Any site, any page - integrated in a couple of minutes. It's so simple - 1-2-3 and done.

Maximize Profitability

Data precision gives you turnkey ability to pivot business direction as necessary to keep your earnings out of the redzone.

Boost Will Turn Your Questions Into Predictable Answers

Watch this short video below to see just how easy yet wildly powerful Boost Reporting is. Sit back and enjoy because the next 3 minutes will show you the unique power Boost will grant you and your business.

Our Plans
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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour.

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9.99 USD
99.99 USD
49.99 USD
499.99 USD
99.99 USD
999.99 USD
199.99 USD
1,999.99 USD
What's included
Unlimited websites
Unlimited events
API access
Email reports
Data ownership
Data export
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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but majority have suffered alteration in some.There are many variations.